Have you ever watched a court case? I’ve wanted to visit the Old Bailey ever since I realised the general public were allowed to observe trials. When a recent child free day came along I jumped at the opportunity to see the Old Bailey and other law related places in the city.
The Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court)
The Old Bailey deals with major criminal cases, mainly from the Greater London area. There are eighteen courts covering serious cases such as murder, terrorism and drug related crimes.
Despite being on the right side of the law I was a little nervous walking towards the public gallery entrance. I rang the doorbell, hidden down Warwick Passage, and waited to be called up for the security check. After passing through security I asked one of the guards about the best trial to visit.

The courts were relatively quiet on the day of my visit and the only option was a terrorism trial. The case related to four defendants, accused of supporting the funding of terrorism. The case had already been ongoing for several days; I entered the public gallery as the prosecutor was giving his closing speech to the jury.
The court room was smaller than I expected but familiar from TV court dramas. Visitors sit in a small balcony area, opposite the jurors. To my right sat the four defendants, to the left the judge. In the middle sat the Court Clerk and barristers. Their wigs intrigued me. Made from horsehair, evidently the older and grubbier they look the better!

It was really interesting to listen in and watch the workings of the court. I’m not going to write about the trial itself as it impacts real lives. Suffice to say the evidence was compelling and the subsequent outcome wasn’t a surprise.
Once in the courtroom there is a 30 minute minimum stay. However time passed quickly and I stayed for a couple of hours. Leaving as quietly as possible I crept out of the galleries and headed to my next destination, Temple Church.
The Temple Church
It’s hard to imagine that the serene Temple Church is just a couple of minutes walk from Fleet Street. Founded in the 12th Century by the Knights Templar it’s modelled on the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In 1608 the Temple was granted to two societies of lawyers, the Inner and Middle Temple, who look after it to this day.

The most distinguishing feature of the church is its round nave. Certainly impressive but I enjoyed the interior stonework just as much. On the floor of the nave lies the effigies of nine knights, whilst all around are grotesque gargoyles.
The nave contains a lot of display boards detailing the history which I really should have read. But I was more interested in climbing the winding staircase to the clerestory for views back across the church.
Inns of Court
The area around Temple Church is surrounded by two of the Inns of Court. These are the professional associations for barristers; every barrister needs to belong to one of them. There are four Inns in London; Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Middle Temple and Inner Temple; I explored the lanes and gardens of the latter two.

Wandering down the lanes it was hard to believe I was in central London. Lined with barristers’ chambers and intercepted by gardens and courtyards it feels more like a film set. I half expected Sherlock Holmes to walk down the street. There are maps dotted around the area but it’s more fun just to stroll around.

The buildings themselves are off limits to casual wanderers. Fortunately I didn’t need to be a barrister to enjoy the gardens. The borders were in full bloom, perfectly demonstrating the beauty of high summer. If I ignored the background sound of car horns, I could almost imagine I was enjoying a town garden.

As I reached the front of one garden, bordering Victoria Embankment, I realised the last time I’d been near here was whilst running the London Marathon. I’d struggled the last few miles and this section didn’t hold particularly good memories! It was good to reminisce in less painful times.

Royal Courts of Justice
Close by is one of the other major legal buildings, the Royal Courts of Justice, and my last stop of the day. The Law Courts house the High Court and Court of Appeal and preside over civil, not criminal, trials. It’s a huge Victorian Gothic style building on the Strand, just opposite Temple Inn.

Although there was an airport style scanner to pass through once in you appear to be free to wander. I picked up a self-guided tour leaflet from the entrance desk; it’s also possible to book guided tours. I walked around the Main Hall, past a small costume display to the Painted Room and then along past court rooms.
In a similar way to the Old Bailey it’s possible to watch trials. Although personally I think criminal trials sound much more interesting! I’d definitely like to visit another Old Bailey trial at some point, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the workings of our legal system.
More info
- The Old Bailey is for those aged 14+ years only; you may be asked for photo identification. Court generally sits on weekdays from 10am-1pm and from 2-4.30pm but do check before you visit. Security is strict. Cameras, mobile phones, large bags and refreshments are not permitted. You can leave mobiles at the nearby Capable Travel Agent at a cost of £1 per device. Details of the cases are posted on the boards outside.
- The Temple Church website details its varied opening times. It’s generally open on weekdays from 10am-4pm. Entry charge is £5 for adults, free for under 16s.
- Middle and Inner Temple Gardens are open to the public from 12-3pm on weekdays during the summer. There is no entrance charge.
- The Royal Courts of Justice is open on weekdays from 9am-4.30pm. Entry is free.
I’m generally not the nosey type but I’ve always been curious about what goes on in court. I’m guessing the reality is far less exciting than I imagine it to be though.
Some beautiful buildings, I guess they can be quite intimidating if you are ever there to answer charges. Yikes!
A lady I work with is on jury service this week but I’ve been told there’s a lot of sitting around and waiting which is very boring. I’d still love to do it though.
What an interesting experience to watch the trial of accused terrorists. I think that would give me the hibbie jibbies to be that near! #CityTripping
I don’t think the accused had really thought too much about what they were doing. It felt more like they were helping out a friend (although probably with full knowledge of why), rather than helping fund terrorism.
What an interesting place to visit – I would love to do this and see our justice system in action. #citytripping
Definitely worth a visit if you get the chance.
I just love the detail about the grubby wigs! How fascinating, to witness a trial like this. I’m going to look into visiting – I’d love to go inside the building as it always looks so imposing from the outside.
I really wouldn’t want to wear a dirty wig made from horsehair – although
I guess you get used to it pretty quick.
I would love to do this #citytripping
I walked by both courts on my last trip to London and I wanted to visit the Temple Church but it was closed. I’m sorry I didn’t explore Inns of Court with its gardens. #city tripping
I think Temple Church is often closed, hope you do get to visit soon.
On the one occasion I tried to attend a trial at the Old Bailey we were defeated by the ban on mobile phones and the lack of anywhere to leave them.
The local travel agent has certainly cottoned onto this, I’m sure they must make quite a bit of money from it.
Wow I didn’t even know you could do this. I would love to go and watch for a bit. I can understand why it would be for teens+, I kind of expected the minimum age to be 18!
I think the judge can make a decision as to whether the trial is suitable and can choose to send under 18s out if necessary.
What an interesting day out…I have been to the courts a couple of times when I was doing my journalism course…although have since managed to avoid court reporting. It is fascinating although it doesn’t sound as though the ones I went to were as interesting as the Old Bailey trial you attended. #citytripping
I can imagine some of the local trials are less than riveting!
This looks like a really interesting day out for an adult! I worked briefly at solicitors and I used to visit Holborn for court. I can’t remember did I ever go to Old Bailey or other court rooms but it is really fascinating to sit on the court cases isn’t it. It used to be my favourite part of the day. These gardens look gorgeous too. Didn’t even know all these things were close by there! #citytripping
Years ago I worked briefly as a court reporter and it was fascinating to see the court cases and procedures – there is something unique about the Old Bailey though. And I have always wanted to visit the Templar church but somehow never got around to it so I must rectify that. Thanks for linking up with #citytripping
Hi Christine, what an interesting day out you had. It’s funny how just entering a building of law sets us on edge. I get edgy just driving past our local police station and I promise you I am law abiding… That woman in the dock just looked like me honest!
I’d certainly enjoy witnessing a trial in progress given the chance.
The buildings all look very interesting and grand too.
I love finding the hidden places between the big buildings. A beautiful, peaceful garden, I’m sure. Part of me would be fascinated to go to a trial. If only to see how it all works. I really interesting trip choice.
I would loved to have done
Aviation law as I have a GCSE law in
Society from Acton technical college
Way back in 1989.
I would mind going and seeing a murder
Case at the old Bailey as well and have
a glimpse of the so called murderers and
See there faces when there guilty .