As the kids have got older we’ve been able to try more adventurous activities as a family. One of these was a trip to Reading climbing wall, which we decided upon after we saw an offer on Groupon.

We booked a 1 hour introductory climbing lesson. My son has never climbed before so it was a new experience for him, but my daughter has been a couple of times.

Our instructor supervised us putting on the harnesses and clipping into the ropes. He then gave us a quick demo, showing how we should put just our tiptoes onto the climbing holds, along with the best way to use hand holds and position our arms. We were also shown how to belay the climber by keeping the rope tight as they were climbing.

We started off on an easy route. Our son was a little nervous to begin with and didn’t want to go too high on his first climb. The instructor was very patient and encouraged him to go as high as he could but didn’t force him to do anything he was unsure of. Meanwhile our daughter zoomed to top so the instructor suggested she made her next climb harder by just using the climbing holds of one colour.
Once we reached the top we abseiled back down. Even though I’ve climbed before it’s still a little unnerving to sit back and walk your feet back down the wall but you do get used to it.

The hour passed really quickly. At the end the instructor gave us a quick introduction to the bouldering wall (climbing practise at low level without ropes) and then left us to our own devices for as long as we wanted. My son was happier here because he could climb up just a little way and then jump off onto the safety mat. I, on the other hand, preferred the wall as I enjoyed the challenge of getting to the top.
If you have a climbing wall near you it’s definitely worth popping along and having a go. My daughter isn’t really into competitive sport but she likes climbing so it’s a great chance for her to get active. Many walls have weekly classes for children but as we found it’s a good activity to do as a family too.
More info:
- We visited Reading Climbing Centre, details here. We had a 1 hour introductory session which usually costs £80 for a family of four. We only paid £29 as we took advantage of a Groupon offer; it’s worthwhile keeping your eye out for these!
- There’s a small cafe with cakes, drinks and some limited snacks. Prices were reasonable, for example £3 for beans on toast or potato wedges. The cafe overlooks the climbing wall so you can watch the climbers as you eat.
Wow that looks like a great place to go. We have something similar in Exeter but my two are a bit too young to go yet 🙂
Thanks Gina. I’m pretty sure the minimum age at Reading is 5 years. We were watching a boy around this age when we visited,he was amazing!
Ahhh… very adventurous and fab pics. I am sure you had a great day! Enjoy rest of the week.
Thank you, it was fun x
What a great idea, mine are also too young at the moment but we have a climbing wall near us and I had never thought of going when they are older. will defintely go in a few years!
It only occurred to us after we saw the Groupon offer!
I have a friend who climbs at Reading climbing centre every week, it looks good. It’s a great activity to do as a family and for children to get involved in. I must remember to give it a try when my kids are a bit older.
Thanks for sharing #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks Karen, I’m sure we’ll be back there some time soon as well.
OMG HOW amazing is that place!!!!!! My children would be in HEAVEN there! Veeeeery tempted to try and get there this summer. Thanks for posting! #letkidsbekids
Thanks Kate, it’s definitely worth a visit (but pre-book before you travel).
My two are too little for this yet, but I’ve no doubt that it’d be something they’ll love when they’re old enough, so that’s for the idea!
Hi Jocelyn, I’m pretty sure every kid loves to climb!
My 7yo has done a bit of climbing with his dad, and loved it. It looks like you all had a great time, and I love your photos x #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks Sara,I do like how climbing can be enjoyed by different age ranges.
That is so expensive but at least you got a great deal. It looks like so much fun, my children would love it. #LetKidsBeKids
Thanks Alex. We couldn’t have afforded the £80 lesson so it was good to find the Groupon deal. I think it’s much cheaper to use it on a casual basis once you know what you’re doing.
This looks like a fab place to go! Will check it out x
Thanks Emily, hope you enjoy!
That looks fantastic! We used to live just up the road but never knew this existed! What a great activity. Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x
Thanks Vicky, I might be wrong but I think it’s relatively new.
Wow! What an adventure….I don’t think I would be brave enough for it though.
Thanks Kim, it is a little daunting to begin with but once you trust the rope (or the person holding it!) it’s fine.