It’s hard to imagine that an area of heathland near Newbury once played an important role in the Cold War. The former RAF base at Greenham Common was controversially used by the United States Air Force as a storage site for cruise missiles. Those days are gone now and Greenham has a much more peaceful existence. We spent an afternoon walking from the Nature Discovery Centre at Thatcham, along the Kennet and Avon Canal to Greenham Common and then back to the start via Bowdown Woods.

Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre
When the kids were younger we’d often pop into the Nature Discovery Centre. There’s a great playground, handy cafe and a lakeside walk that’s perfect for little legs. As they’ve got older we’ve visited less. Tempting a 13 year old with the promise of feeding ducks just doesn’t work. Neither it seems does the suggestion of a 6 mile walk. Ignoring her assertion that she’d wait for us in the car we lured her out with a picnic.
The slight downside to our picnic suggestion was that the ducks assumed it was for them. As soon as we chose a bench waterfowl arrived from all corners of the lake expecting lunch. Feeding ducks bread is bad for them so happily kept my baguette to myself. Besides, there was a constant stream of small children walking past with loaves of bread destined for the lake!

Kennet and Avon canal
Heading away from the lake area we crossed the railway line and joined a muddy path alongside the Kennet and Avon Canal. During summer the canal is busy with pleasure boaters but on a grey January day it was pretty gloomy. The water level was high, and at the first lock it reached almost to the top of the lock gates. I looked in vain for a flash of kingfisher to brighten up the walk. I’ve seen them near here before they were obviously tucked up warm somewhere else.

After a mile or so we crossed the canal and followed a farm track up to Greenham Common. I was a youngster in the early 1980s but vividly remember news reports about the Greenham Women’s Peace Camp. Women came from across the country and abroad to protest at the storage of American cruise missiles on the base. Whilst there was a hardcore of women constantly living in camps around the base many thousands would turn up to protests. In December 1983 50,000 women linked arms and formed a human chain around the fence perimeter. The missiles finally left Greenham in 1991 but the camp remained open until 2000, with women protesting against the Trident programme.

Greenham Common
Today Greenham Common is slowly reverting back to nature. Now managed by BBOWT, the local wildlife trust, the Commons were reopened for public use in 2000. The large expanse of heathland supports nightjars, nightingales, dog walkers and small children learning to cycle without stabilisers. BBOWT are creating wetland habitats although sometimes it was hard to work out the difference between ponds and big puddles!
Aside from a couple of obvious landmarks there is little to show for the many years the base was in operation. The old concrete from the runways was broken up (and re-used in the equally controversial Newbury bypass), disused buildings demolished and fuel contamination cleaned up. You cannot disguise the location of the runway though; at more than 3000 metres it was once the longest military runway in Europe. Following the long flat path along the Common you can almost imagine the roar of a plane taxiing along the runway.

Apart from the American fire hydrants the only other legacy we saw on our walk was the Greenham Common Control Tower. Whilst I can understand the desire to return the area to heathland it’s good to remember the historical significance of the Common too.
*Update*. As of December 2018 the Control Tower has been turned into a visitor centre and cafe. Limited opening hours but definitely worth a visit!

Bowdown Woods
From Greenham Common we returned to Thatcham via Bowdown Woods. This involved a minor map reading mishap, as the walk leaflet I was following (albeit backwards) showed multiple routes through the woods. Instead my OS map indicated we should stay on one broad track. I have no inbuilt sense of navigation so although I can read a map I easily get thrown off course if it doesn’t agree with what I’m seeing on the ground. The other half was confident of the route, and we did end up in the right place eventually, even if I wasn’t convinced we’d gone the right way.

I’d hoped to to see a starling murmuration on our return to the Thatcham reedbeds. The sightings boards outside the Discovery Centre indicated flocks of 5000 birds but we were out of luck. Instead we contented ourselves with more ducks. I smiled inwardly as I saw a toddler heading towards them with yet another loaf of bread. I’d love to know how many loaves they eat each week!
If you’re looking for more walks in Berkshire you might like our backpack along the Lambourn Valley Way, our walk around Inkpen and our visit to the snowdrops at Welford Park.
More info:
- Greenham Common, Bowdown Woods and Thatcham form part of the West Berkshire Living Landscape. Further details about all three reserves can be found on the BBOWT website. I planned our walk route independently but the 6 mile route is detailed in a leaflet. This can be purchased at the Nature Discovery Centre for the bargain price of 10p.
Hi Christine, I remember the Greenham Common protesters from back in the eighties too. I can’t believe that was thirty years ago! We used to regularly feed the ducks at Dawlish Warren bread as youngsters, but I have since heard that it’s not good for them too, neither is bread good for hedgehogs, so I hate to think how many of natures creatures with accidentally killed with kindness!
We keep trying to tempt our sixteen year old out on our Sunday walks, but nothing is going to get her out of the house when she can have it all to herself for a few hours. Although I may have tempted her with the talk of exploring the man made tunnels that were built during WW2 in a few weeks, but we will see.
It’s a shame you didn’t get to see a Kingfisher, now that would have made a nice picture (if you were quick enough!).
How’s the training going?
I love seeing kingfishers – in the summer I run beside the Thames and quite often see one flitting from one side of the bank to the other. Hard to miss but I’ve never managed to get a decent photo of one.
What a great day out for you all, I’m impressed you managed to persuade the 13 year old to come out as well, mine are becoming increasingly difficult too. The kids look like they came out of their shells and started enjoying nature once they realised that there was not point in making the day worse for themselves. It’s great that there’s so much history in the area yet it’s all being returned to nature too, it looks like such an interesting place to walk. Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids
Once they’re out and walking the kids enjoy themselves, it seems to be the thought of walking (compared to browsing Instagram) that the teen doesn’t like!
So strange as when I think of Greenham Common all I can think of is the protestors and suddenly I see in this post that it’s a peaceful nature reserve.
It’s hard to associate the news reports I saw in the 1980s with the area nowadays. Maybe if there was a huge fence around the edge it would be easier!
I didn’t realise you could walk to the Common from the Discovery Centre. Will have to sort that next time we visit. I remember Greenham Common as it was in the 1980’s vividly. I helped my best friend and her Mum deliver Easter Eggs to the protesters one year – long time ago! #CountryKids
That’s a unique memory! Despite living pretty close I never actually saw the protestors ‘in the flesh’.
The Greenham Common protests left such a vivid impression on me, as a young girl. Years later, I was lucky enough to work with someone who had lived there. It’s incredible to think that the place has now been given over to nature.
Must be interesting to talk to someone who lived there – what were their views on the protestors?!
Funny the memories the name brings back compared to your lovely green photographs! 🙂
I think the plentiful rain has had something to do with the greenness 🙂
Thank you so much for this insight, what an interesting story this place has. By seeing the pictures I would never imagine what had happened there before. How wonderful that the women were protesting against the missiles!
Poor ducks! I didn’t know bread was bad for them, I’m glad I never gave it to the them. 🙁
Thank you so much for sharing this story on #MondayEscapes